
Restaurant That Kicked Out Sarah Sanders Explains Those Are Just The Rules, Quotes Bible

The Red Hen says they will not apologize as they did nothing wrong.

I simply told Ms. Sanders that I was sorry but we have a strict no asshole-enabling policy at this location,” said the owner of the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington, Virginia, who was forced to show the White House press secretary the door on Friday because:

“Those are the rules. I make them, and I enforce them, and when questioned I distance myself from them. As per the current American model.”

The incident appears to have been precipitated by Sanders’ insistence on appearing in public, after lying unabatedly for the past eleven months while assisting Donald Trump in his poorly-planned, but brutally effective, dismantlement of the American will to be better. 

“The administration of this restaurant has made it clear that we will not serve those responsible for inhumane practices in this country,” the proprietor of the Red Hen read in a prepared statement, warning beforehand that she would be taking no questions on the matter afterwards.  

“And, it is important to note, this is not our problem. This policy is the direct result of loopholes left in place by the Bob Evans that previously occupied this location. Quite frankly our hands are tied.”

Over the shouted questions of the gathered reporters, the owner then produced a Bible, pulled the scripture’s ribbon to open the good book to a pre-selected passage, and then cleared her voice and said:

“And lo, though people may make their peace with being horrible, and unlike anything decent, thou shalt be under no obligation to serve them breadsticks, or refills, or even let them cross the threshold of thine moderately-priced but amply-portioned establishment. And thou shalt tell Sarah also that her dad needs to calm the heck down, and that her boss is being an ass in all senses of the word. And then thou shalt remind everyone that the message of Jesus was fundamentally love. And then thou shalt vote with greater acumen in future. Ahmen.”

The restauranteur then closed the book, saying she felt that it pretty much spoke for itself. 

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113 replies »

  1. Typically, your satire is clever and I enjoy it. This time however is nothing but assholery, and you have been nothing but offensive. I hope you will see reason and remove this piece of crap.
    And for the record, I am Canadian. For any Americans reading this piece of garbage, I apologize for my fellow Canadian. We are usually better than this.


        • I notice your nickname is no nonsense… Could I suggested could also be no intelligence, no couth, no class…. you see, if you’re going to insult someone, you use some talent and ability to do it, you don’t just spew out something that any grade school child could do. Of course, in your case since you probably did not get past grade school, we will just have to let it go.


      • I have found your satire clever on numerous occasions, and I admire you. You’re a good writer. But not this one. This one is uncalled for. Like the liberals in the United States, you’re pushing it just a bit too far. Satire does not evolve to out right rudeness. Stop watching the late-night comedians, and go with your better instincts, your writing will be better for it.


        • I’ll take your recommendation under consideration, on the condition that you will ponder whether your beef is with amateurish political satire as a whole, or more with amateurish political satire that doesn’t align with your views. I may be wrong here Wally, but I suspect if I was ham-handedly making fun of Trudeau, or his various proxies, you would have no complaint.


          • I write professionally and owned three newspapers. My career in this industry spans more than 30 years. I do not critique or edit in that manner, sorry.
            Ham handed is one thing, but you’ve gone away from satire, which is the use of comedy, irony and exaggeration to create ridicule of a person or situation.
            Comments like “no asshole enabling” don’t fit under irony or exaggeration much less comedy… well, maybe to people who enjoy scatogical humour…like hateful liberals I would suggest.
            Frankly, that you can sink this low and feel it’s acceptable causes me to question both your judgment and your taste.
            Please note- although it would have been easy to describe you as an ‘asshole’ for this piece, I haven’t done so. There’s a lesson in that for you. You’re welcome.


            • That would be more believable if you ever offered commentary on pieces other than those that offended you, all of which poke at policies or stances right of the dial. And as someone who has written for yacht publications myself, I have to be honest, I don’t see what that has to do with the matters at hand. There is little in the way of international politics in the boating industry, and one’s biases there are rarely tested, nor matter.

              Thank you for your input. Like any good navigator, I’m sure you’ll understand if I allow for set and drift before adjusting course.


              • Sorry, I didn’t realize that in order to have any credibility I would have to praise you. Problem is, I don’t do sycophancy very well. Perhaps if I were a liberal, it would come more naturally.
                The newspapers that I owned were not boating publications, and my point was that I neither edit nor criticize because you have a left wing bias. You missed that point. My point was and is, that you have taken an utterly disgusting situation and made fun of it. Sarah Sanders did not deserve this abuse, as much as you might seem to think so. Was Josh Earnest ever thrown out of a restaurant? No, but he bragged about the fact that he lied to reporters all the time, that they were 27 and too stupid to know what he was talking about. Do you see him get that level of harassment? No you did not. The double standard exhibited by the liberals is stunning. And it’s hypocritical as well, another trait that liberal seem not to see in themselves.
                I’m not suggesting you alter course, it’s your publication…i’m just pointing out you came a bit too close to a shoal that you didn’t see here.


                • No praise needed Wally. But if you interacted (for or against, it doesn’t matter) with the odd subject not related to conservative viewpoints, it would be easier to believe your claims of not having sensitivities along those lines.


                  • I did not say I didn’t have sensitivities, I said I wasn’t criticizing because of them. A lot of decent people on the left have come down in favor of Sarah Sanders over this… It seems you and the readers of this blog are not among that group and believe that it is perfectly fine to crap on somebody, in front of her family and loved ones, on her private time, who is only doing her job.
                    I’m going to give you the ultimate insult for a Canadian… You’re acting like an American.


                    • I was going to leave it… But I can’t cross this headline this evening, and I thought that you should know that you guys have found your leader:

                      “Maxine Waters calls for total social warfare against entire Trump administration

                      Rep. Maxine Waters, California Democrat, called for total social warfare against the entire Trump administration, cheering on those who in recent days have attacked or rebuffed them at restaurants and their homes, and calling for more in that vein.”

                      Let me offer my congratulations on your movement. And let me “the former First Lady Michelle Obama: when they go low we go high.

                      Paul, that’s a rhetorical technique known as sarcasm.


              • Hit me up if you want some writing samples from Wonky. He has left quite a few paranoid insecure unhinged manifestos recently on FB. He brags of spying and having Bots to spy in all-women’s sailing groups that he is afraid of.


    • She wasn’t refused because she’s affiliated with Trump, she was refused because she lies and lies and lies and supports fascists actions. Lie down with a pig and you stink too bad to eat in public.

      Poor Suckabee. Guess she’ll have to do like her revered boss and eat cheeseburgers in her bed.


          • You didn’t engage in any debate. You started off as an idiot, and you’re clearly going to end that way.
            I would suggest you consider the irony of you talking about insults after the post you put up.


  2. I’m curious to know which line you found offensive Wally. The one about, (paraphrasing) I could shoot someone in downtown New York and people would still love me the I can grab them by the pussy. Oh wait, i’m Quoting the wrong guy.


    • If you want to play that game, let’s go with “guns and bitter clingers”, or how about some of the delicious racist lines that were brought up by people like Joe Biden when discussing Obama? There’s lots of idiocy of the miles of politicians. That doesn’t mean that their staff should be subject to harassment, and if you had any decency in you, you would understand that. But no, you liberals think it’s your right to get in everybody’s face. Get in the face of the people who make the decisions, not the employees. Or how about some of the delicious racist lines that were brought up by people like Joe Biden when discussing Obama? There’s lots of idiocy of the mouse of politicians. That doesn’t mean that their staff should be subject to harassment, and if you had any decency and you, you would understand that. But no, you liberals think it’s your right to get in everybody’s face. Get in the face of the people make the decisions, not the employees. They are paid to take that abuse, Sarah is not.


      • @Wally Moran
        ” let’s go with “guns and bitter clingers”
        So much for rightwingers believing in straight talk.
        “But no, you liberals think it’s your right to get in everybody’s face. Get in the face of the people make the decisions, not the employees. They are paid to take that abuse, Sarah is not”
        Huckabee is an adult and knows what she signed up for. It’s a job not a sentence so she can always quit if she can’t take the heat.
        I have to say she’s much better at lying and spinning than Spicer.

        Don’t try playing the decency card; it’s been a very long time since the GOP and their supporters practiced any.
        They’ve mocked & insulted Obama’s kids, by no less a figure than Glenn Beck. Ann Coulter at one point suggested going after Obama’s kids, Andrea Tantaros asked if Malia was going to start taking birth control and in past years Rush Limbaugh called Chelsea Clinton a dog and said Amy Carter was the ugliest 1st daughter in American history


        • Did anybody go after Josh Earnest while he was having dinner with family? In fact, can you name a single instance where a Democrat was shot while going out to play baseball with his colleagues? Can you name a single instance where legislators neighbor attacked him in his own backyard as happened to Rand Paul? Can you name a single location where a mob stood outside of a Democrats house and screamed and yelled at her?
          No, I did not think so.


  3. Sorry about the duplicate posting … I’m in an area with very poor Internet reception, and that seems to be creating a problem with posts, they repeat themselves while being sent.


    • @Wally Moran
      “name a single instance where a Democrat was shot while going out to play baseball with his colleagues?”

      So the attacks by prominent rightwing figures on the Obamas and the Democrats are justified because a bitter man who should never have had a gun wounded a Republican congressman? As far as justification goes, that’s not even wrong.

      “neighbor attacked him in his own backyard as happened to Rand Paul?”
      I would ask you if you even bothered to actually read that story but it’s abundantly clear you did NOT.
      That was a stupid neighborly dispute between grumpy old men. Boucher may be a Democrat but it’s not a factor.
      I’ve seen disputes like this between relatives who agree on everything except they don’t like each other end worse than this.

      “a single location where a mob stood outside of a Democrats house and screamed and yelled at her?”
      I can name hundreds of locations where rightwingnuts have harassed, threatened and in more than one instance killed or wounded people at their place of business, homes and even church.
      Although I doubt that he’s feels the slightest pang of guilt, I’m in agreement with those who think Bill O’Reilly played a role in the murder of George Tiller


  4. … by the way Paul, the message of Jesus was love, and forgiveness for sins. Maybe you should try a piece demonstrating where the restaurant owner (and you) have demonstrated these traits.
    Because it is quite clear in all of this that Sara and her family acted with class throughout.
    Liberals don’t bother to note that however, do they? Must be something in those oh so classy pussy hats they wear.


  5. Wally, if a cake decorator in Colorado can refuse service to a gay couple, this restaurant owner can limit service on grounds of political affiliation. How would you like to argue this point? By calling me a libtard? I assume you are going to go that way, so I’ll just get my box of Kleenex ready. It’s surely going to put me in my place.


    • No, my argument is that you don’t understand the first amendment, and you don’t understand the terms of the Supreme Court decision. The Baker is obligated to sell to anyone who asks for it a cake, cookies, etc. He is not obligated to to use his artistic ability to decorate the same. That artistic ability is first amendment expression.
      This situation has nothing to do with that, and for you to attempt to conflate the two just indicates that you’re ignorant of what is involved here.


  6. I really hope you don’t consider deleting this. It is terrific. I’ve been trying my hand at satire, too. Half the readers are either offended or don’t get it.


  7. Well, this American enjoyed it. The entire thing is woven with the context and spirit of actual statements and behaviors by SHS during her tenure in the Trump administration. As for the Bible reference, Sanders reiterated that it is their view that it is biblically sound policy to forcibly separate children from parents at the border. So if Jesus was all about love and forgiveness, Sanders and the rest of them must have missed that Sunday School lesson.

    Liked by 1 person

    • So let’s say that you live in a small community, and you work for a man who a lot of the people in town don’t like. You go to a restaurant, and it’s demand that you leave because of the person you work for. Is that appropriate? Are you good with that?

      Notice, I didn’t even mention the recent news that this restaurant owner followed the Huckabee party from her restaurant and created a scene outside the next restaurant they went to. For the record, that’s called harassment.


  8. @Wally Moran
    “and I thought that you should know that you guys have found your leader:

    “Maxine Waters calls for total social warfare against entire Trump administration

    Rep. Maxine Waters, California Democrat, called for total social warfare against the entire Trump administration, cheering on those who in recent days have attacked or rebuffed them at restaurants and their homes, and calling for more in that vein.”

    Let me offer my congratulations on your movement. And let me “the former First Lady Michelle Obama: when they go low we go high”

    So you’re saying Maxine Waters has the right attitude & temperament to run for President?
    If Trump was suitable, why not Waters?


    • Maxine Waters has the IQ of a brick… And that would be a very stupid brick just to be clear. Have you ever listened to the woman?


        • What Jason Spencer did wasn’t directed at a particular individual, was it? What Maxine Waters is doing is considerably different.


          • Did she promise to cover your legal fees if you “knock the crap out of them”?
            Then you don’t have a leg to stand on if you’re blithe about Trump’s words and actions or Huckabee’s lies.
            If Trump deserves to be president then so can Waters.
            If that upsets you, just ask Jason Spencer to protest against her in public; he’s fully trained.


            • You know, if like you you’re willing to take remarks of the president out of context, you can prove almost anything. You seem to have forgotten that Trump made his remarks in the context of people defending themselves against violent counter protesters.
              Go back and review the video if you don’t believe that.


              • @Wally Moran
                It’s called speaking in code. He said if you “see someone ABOOT to throw tomatoes”.
                I trust you understand the key word. He doesn’t mean or care if the counter protestors are violent, only if their disruption would be effective.
                “You know, part of the problem, and part of the reason it takes so long, is nobody wants to hurt each other anymore, right? And they’re being politically correct the way they take them out, so it takes a little bit longer. And honestly, protesters, they realize it. They realize that there are no consequences to protesting anymore. There used to be consequences, there are none anymore.”

                Notice that neither violence nor tomatoes are mentioned. He’s clear that he liked to see old-fashioned consequences for merely protesting. And he’s also been clear about what he misses about the good old days.


                • The DNC and the Clinton campaign actually were hiring counter protesters to attend Trump rallies and cause trouble. That included causing violence. Not only was it proven, but the people responsible for it were caught on video. You seem to have forgotten that. You can go after Trump for his comments all you want, but you had bloody well better take ownership of the bullshit from the left that went on.


                  • @Wally Moran
                    “you had bloody well better take ownership of the bullshit from the left that went on”
                    I’ll be a billionaire before I can find a rightwingnut who’ll own up to their own BS while it’s ongoing or relevant.


                    • When I say billionaire, I mean billionaire as defined by Fortune or Forbes magazine, both of whom have called him as being with 4 billion or more. As always, you’re entitled to your opinion, but you’re not allowed to make up your own facts.


                  • @Wally Moran
                    “The DNC and the Clinton campaign actually were hiring counter protesters to attend Trump rallies and cause trouble. That included causing violence. Not only was it proven, but the people responsible for it were caught on video”

                    Hang on a minute – what proof?
                    If this is more edited video from that schmuck who went to Planned Parenthood, you’re going to have to do better than that.
                    He and his outfit are about as credible as Antifa.


                    • That lying schmuck as you call him also provides completely unedited video for everything he does just proof that people like you don’t know what you’re talking about. And if the video was wrong, why did the DNC fire the one guy and the other one quit?
                      Sorry, but the facts are against you on this one. You lose.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • @Wally Moran
                      “Sorry, but the facts are against you on this one. You lose”
                      Whenever I see a statement like that, it’s almost always a bluff.
                      Go watch the unedited video of the Shirley Sherrod speech that fucknut twisted to get her fired.


                    • There was no reply button for your last comment. Why you have posted that article is beyond me. Here you have a black organization that did not do a doodl there was no reply button for your last comment. Why you have posted that article is beyond me. Here you have a black organization that did not do due diligence, and demanded the firing of the woman. Apparently even the White House, with a black president, was complicit.

                      However, the producer of the video is not the person we’re discussing as regards the attacks at Trump’s rallies. When you get your facts straight, please get back to me


  9. @Wally Moran

    “Notice, I didn’t even mention the recent news that this restaurant owner followed the Huckabee party from her restaurant and created a scene outside the next restaurant they went to. For the record, that’s called harassment”

    But you HAVE mentioned it. Notice I did not say that you’re a lying a**hole.

    For the record, I find it suspicious that neither Huckabee nor Trump mentioned this so this is made-up BS.
    But if it were true, it would be reprehensible behavior by the owner.
    Her roof, her rules. But where the Huckabees choose to go next and whether or not they’re welcome should not be her concern.


    • You really don’t understand the rhetorical trick that was used there do you?
      Sarah Huckabee did not mention that her folks were followed because it came out after her one and only public comment on the issue, which was her tweet.
      I am glad to hear however that you and I agree that that sort of behavior would have been inappropriate in the extreme.


      • Huckabee-Sanders’ idea of a “rhetorical trick” is to tell reporters they don’t understand even small words.
        That must be because her boss keeps all the best words for his highly educated self.
        What will you say if it turns out that harassment story is a lie?


        • You might notice that the restaurant owner, Wilkinson, has not denied the story. I think that tells us what we need to know since, had she done so the media would have been all over it.


            • @Wally Moran
              But speaking of “all over it”, although the Red Hen is an independent business, restaurants all over the country with similar names are being harassed (politely I’m sure), threatened (with full Christian tolerance & love) by Trump supporters.
              They’ve even been attacking The Olde Red Hen restaurant in Canada and The Little Red Hen in the PHILIPPINES!!

              Don’t you find that deplorable?


              • I find it amazingly stupid, but the left doesn’t have a monopoly on stupid, it just exercises its rights to be stupid more often, as well as its right to be bigoted, as we so frequently see.


                • @Wally Moran
                  It wasn’t Clinton supporters marching chanting “JEWS will not replace us”
                  Whose “very fine people” were those?
                  Notice I did not mention the Muslim ban nor Mexican rapists


                  • No, and it was not the alt right that smashed up Berkeley, or downtown Seattle, along with several other places. It wasn’t the alt right that smashed a bicycle and chain lock into some unsuspecting individuals head and hospitalized him either was it? That was antifa, the scumbags that you people don’t like to admit exist to enforce the left edicts. As for the so-called Muslim ban, perhaps you missed the news… The Supreme Court judged trumps regulations as A valid exercise of the presidents authority.. The Supreme Court no less. So much for the Ninth Circus. As for Mexican rapists, how about we ask Kate Steinle? Oh, sorry… I forgot Kate Steinle is dead, killed by a Mexican illegal.
                    You want to keep playing these stupid games, be my guest but you’re only making yourself look like a fool.


                    • @Wally Moran
                      “but you’re only making yourself look like a fool”
                      Envy becomes you.

                      “Kate Steinle is dead, killed by a Mexican illegal”
                      A tragedy but does nothing to change the fact that most “illegals” simply overstay their visas on which Trump’s big beautiful wall will have no effect.
                      Steinle’s death also does not justify the many ejections of legal immigrants some who have been residents for decades.

                      “The Supreme Court judged trumps regulations as A valid exercise of the presidents authority”
                      Go listen toSotomayor’s astonishingly acid dissent and I trust you can appreciate the staggering irony of Roberts finally rejecting another Supreme Court decision – the Korematsu case & the Japanese internment.

                      “The Supreme Court no less” – which means what exactly? That you’re surprised that the conservative wing managed to tie themselves in knots to justify that Trump’s blatantly biased remarks had no bearing on his executive orders?
                      Or does it mean you stand behind all SCOTUS decisions? Or do you have a particular set of favorites?


                    • Since you clearly don’t know anything about the law, let me give you a little education. Historical legal practice determines that the judges’ decisions on issues is based on what is within the four corners of the document… Not what got said before, and especially not what got said during a campaign. Sotomayor can write all the dissents she wants… She’s not the majority, and that’s not how the process works. Something you seem to have forgotten, something you’re hero Obama said… Elections have consequences. Suck it up. And if you want to read a well done analysis of the situation, look up Jonathan Turley’s analysis of the decision What people like you forget, or more likely are not even aware of, is that immigration decisions are completely within the president’s authority. Not a court, not some legislature, not the ninth circus… They are the president’s only.
                      That’s what the Constitution provides, and that’s with the Supreme Court affirmed with this decision.


            • do you make asking stupid questions a habit? Is it a really tough trick to learn, or does it come naturally to you liberals? Considering the level of expertise I’ve seen from you guys, I think it’s a natural thing for you.


              • @Wally Moran
                “do you make asking stupid questions a habit?”
                No but I can’t deny that I’ve asked questions of many stupid people.


                • You see, that’s your problem… If you ask questions of people with intelligence and knowledge like me, you wouldn’t sound so damn stupid all the time.


                  • @Wally Moran
                    ” If you ask questions of people with intelligence and knowledge like me”
                    I spent years on Sodahead engaging with people of your bent and who had similar estimations of their capabilities.
                    Those years I’ll never get back. I can’t recall more than a few of their monikers but nothing would be lost by referring to them as Dunning-Kruger001, Dunning-Kruger002, etc.


                    • “I spent years on Sodahead engaging with people of your bent and who had similar estimations of their capabilities.
                      Those years I’ll never get back. I can’t recall more than a few of their monikers but nothing would be lost by referring to them as Dunning-Kruger001, Dunning-Kruger002, etc.”

                      You seem to think your something pretty special. Typical liberal ‘attitude’, with your passive aggressive insults. That one just ended any further discussion. I’ll be a little more frank with you… You aren’t that good, you aren’t that bright, and you can go eff yourself. Done. Don’t bother me again. I won’t reply. Maybe you need to go back to sodahead, it suits the fizzy stuff you call brains.


                    • @Wally Moran
                      “You aren’t that good, you aren’t that bright, and you can go eff yourself”
                      Say that often to the man in your mirror and you’ll be the better for it.

                      “Maybe you need to go back to sodahead, it suits the fizzy stuff you call brains”
                      Sodahead fizzled out years ago. Seems rightwingers can’t make a discussion site last very long.
                      Hectoring on talk radio and TV opinion shows where they can – and do – cut off the mikes of people they disagree with is much more their style


              • @Wally Moran
                “is that immigration decisions are completely within the president’s authority. Not a court, not some legislature, not the ninth circus… They are the president’s only.
                That’s what the Constitution provides, and that’s with the Supreme Court affirmed with this decision”

                It’s “the president’s only” didn’t apply to Obama as the GOP raised a Supreme Court challenge to his plan to defer deportations of millions. The SCOTUS went even further by asking, in an unusual step, whether Obama had not adequately enforced America’s laws.
                It’s not so long ago that stepping outside the boundaries of a case would have been denounced by Republicans as inappropriate judicial activism.


      • “I didn’t even mention the recent news that this restaurant owner followed the Huckabee party from her restaurant and created a scene outside the next restaurant they went to. For the record, that’s called harassment”

        In this case, it’s also called BULLSHIT.
        From that oh-so-devout and righteous lyin’ nut sack that Sarah Huckabee calls dad.
        What is true is that ONE person held up a sign of protest outside another restaurant where the party went afterwards, did not enter the restaurant, did not confront the group and was not either Wilkinson or one of her employees.


          • “So you say, with no proof, as usual.”
            I’ve provided far more backing for my points which you’ve ignored or deflected from almost every time.
            Since I got very used to that in my days engaging with rightwingnuts on Sodahead, I’ll try not to hold it against you *too* often.
            Emphasis on “try”.


            • Sure you’ve provided proof… I see nothing but your assertions there. Just to be clear, your opinions without any proof I worthless to me. You also seem to of gone back to your old habit of being a rude insufferable leftie. Discussion is now over.


              • “Discussion is now over”
                Are we back to that, again?
                When did Canadians become so easily butthurt?
                Is it for reelz this time or are you just trying to catch your breath before receiving the next smackdown?


                • I make it a practice not to waste my time debating with stupid people, or people who seem to find enjoyment of heaping abuse on others because they don’t know what they’re talking about.
                  You figured it out once, but seem to have forgotten.


                  • Not my problem that you have a low threshold but you’re old enough to have grown a pair.
                    And if you think I’ve been “heaping abuse”, you don’t have a clue. I wish I’d snapshotted some of the Sodahead threads to see what got thrown my way but hey water under the bridge.
                    As for “don’t know what they’re talking about”, you need to turn that around on yourself more often.
                    For example, you have a serious jones about Antifa and what you wrongly perceive as tacit support or deliberate denial of their actions by the left-leaning which I’ve already demonstrated more than once and which you ignored and deflected.

                    And there was no secret knowledge or deep searching required; it was all on the 1st page of results on Google and from the most mainstream sites. Given your claim of wide & deep bipartisan reading I can’t imagine how you could not be aware and any reasoned speculation on my part is sure to induce a serious bout of pruritus in such a sensitive…..soul.

                    I imagine that saying your comment about “antifa were causing trouble again out in western US just a week or two ago, battling people and violating their rights” to be absurdly disingenuous would offer no balm.

                    Portland has a long history of which even “people with intelligence and knowledge like me” – as you put it – may not be aware, a notable event being the murder of Mulugeta Seraw by members of the white racist groups East Side White Pride and White Aryan Resistance which WAR leader Tom Metzger called “a civic duty” which give birth to SHARP (Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice)


  10. @ Morinmoss just as the left has their dingbats and violent types in antifa, the right has the old rate. We don’t want them, we don’t consider them a part of the conservative movement, but unfortunately, there are they are.
    The difference is, we disown him, and we disown them loudly and completely. You people never speak out against your wackos. You’re probably not aware of it, but the antifa were causing trouble again out in western US just a week or two ago, battling people and violating their rights. Naturally, the media did not cover it.


    • “You’re probably not aware of it, but the antifa were causing trouble again out in western US just a week or two ago, battling people and violating their rights”
      See this is what I get for giving trolls like you the benefit of the doubt & not asking for specifics.
      A friend pointed out to me that what’s been happening is a clash between Antifa and rightwing groups like Patriot Prayer and has been ongoing for OVER A YEAR.

      “Naturally, the media did not cover it”
      Well I found it in my usual media sources once it was brought to my attention so what exactly are you on about?
      On second thought, I’m not sure I need or want to know.

      “You people never speak out against your wackos”
      More tripe from you that I’ve already addressed in another comment but I will reiterate that no less a person that Nancy Pelosi has called for them to be prosecuted and the WaPo HEADLINE about the Berkeley violence specifically stated that “antifa members attack *PEACEFUL* right-wing demonstrators”.

      But I’m betting this is all truly about the person you think is really in charge of the Democratic Party, your hate-crush Maxine Waters.


      • It has been so long since I’ve heard any of your mindless yammering, I thought perhaps the authorities had extended your 72 hour mental health examination, and gotten you stabilized on the right drugs. Clearly, I was wrong, you’re as loony as ever.


        • “perhaps the authorities had extended your 72 hour mental health examination, and gotten you stabilized on the right drugs”

          Sounds like you have some experience; doesn’t sound like it’s done you any good.


  11. @Wally Moran
    “the antifa were causing trouble again out in western US just a week or two ago, battling people and violating their rights. Naturally, the media did not cover it”
    Naturally? I can’t check every report but Antifa does get covered outside of Fox News.
    NBC News covered their clashes with Patriot Prayer, Rolling Stone covered the bike-lock attack and that Eric Clanton is facing trial, Nancy Pelosi wants them prosecuted, the Washington Post, in Aug 2017, called them the moral equivalent of neo-Nazis, the Atlantic opined they may be making authoritarianism worse,

    “the right has the old rate. We don’t want them, we don’t consider them a part of the conservative movement, but unfortunately, there are they are”
    Not clear what you mean by the “old rate” but I have to wonder if your President shares your views.
    After all Trump endorsed Roy Moore and the good people of Alabama nearly chose him as Sessions’ successor – Doug Jones eked out a 1.5% win over Trump’s very fine person.


    • Old rate= alt right. Damn the auto correct feature.
      FYI, he is not my president, I’m a Canadian.
      And if you don’t mind, quit the fox news bullshit. I actually never read them. I read Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, Washington Times, national review, The Hill, and others as necessary. You might think you’re insulting me with your FOXNews line, but you’re just sounding like an ass. Lay off it. I don’t come here to fight, and you’re pissing me off with your passive aggressive attacks. If you want to discuss, fine… If you want to fight, go see your wife.


      • @Wally Moran
        How you react to what I say is your problem, not mine. I’m telling it like it is.
        If you can’t deal, sad day for you.
        “quit the fox news bullshit. I actually never read them”
        I don’t believe you and will continue to point out when I see you parroting their nonsense.
        But I’ll also use their stories to point out the blatant hypocrisy I see on the right wing.

        But if you want to discuss, let’s discuss Roy Moore, Trump’s support of him and his near-victory in the race to replace Jeff Sessions.


        • @Wally Moran
          ” I read Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, Washington Times, national review, The Hill, and others as necessary”
          And didn’t see any stories on Antifa but the mainstream media in such broad reading?


        • @Wally Moran
          “national review”
          since you mentioned the alt-right and how you’d like to be rid of them although many on the American right are perfectly happy to have their votes, I wonder if you know just how instrumental National Review pundits were to nurturing the movement, chaps like Derbyshire, Brimelow and Weissberg among others.


          • I don’t know when the last time you read the National Review was, but none of those names you’ve mentioned have written it in all the time I’ve been reading it. In fact, most of the writers are never Trumper’s. That’s what makes it such a valuable resource… You’re not getting sycophancy here.


          • Since you mentioned Derby Shire, I looked him up. He was fired in 2012, and here is the managing editor is a reason, as quoted in politico:

            “[Derbyshire’s] latest provocation, in a webzine, lurches from the politically incorrect to the nasty and indefensible,” National Review Editor Rich Lowry wrote in a statement posted late Saturday night. “We never would have published it, but the main reason that people noticed it is that it is by a National Review writer. Derb is effectively using our name to get more oxygen for views with which we’d never associate ourselves otherwise. So there has to be a parting of the ways.”

            I think your opinion of national review is extremely biased, and that you actually need to reconsider it. Clearly, national review views what Derbyshire wrote much as anyone else did and wanted nothing to do with it. That alone tells me it’s a far better source than you give it credit for.


            • @Wally Moran
              Welcome back. I see you couldn’t stay away despite your best intentions.
              Should we be honored that you chose to do so on your country’s national holiday?
              As far as National Review, they’re trying to rewrite history. Many of their seminal pundits would have felt quite at home in Trumpistan and frankly helped set the foundation stones.

              Some of their denunciations remind me of a recent statement by a German politician who dismissed the Nazi era as “a mere speck of bird poop”. At least he did say Germans have to take responsibility for it which is a damn sight more than the South has ever been willing to do and the modern GOP has been happy to overlook.


              • Clearly, your partisan bias is so extreme, that you cannot read a publication of the quality of national review and get anything worthwhile from it. That’s your problem, not mine, and it’s why you often sound so poorly informed here.


                • @Wally Moran
                  When you’re describing yourself so perfectly, there’s no need to project unto someone else.


                    • “That’s the best you got? You aren’t worth my time any longer”
                      And yet you keep coming back for more, like a battered wife. Sad.


        • You’re welcome to not believe me if you wish, but you’ll be wrong. Fact is very often FOXNews has the right of a variety of stories when most media are not even covering it. Nonetheless, I don’t go there in large part because then I don’t have to put up with crap from people like you saying oh you’re a fox news reader. I’m not.


          • @Wally Moran
            I’m quite familiar with Fox and the other mainstream outlets. Fox goes to great length to put their peculiar slant on just about every story, at least when it’s being commented on by one of their innumerable interchangeable bobbleheads.
            They’re not much better than Russia Today in that aspect.


            • Most people, and you’re probably one, object to the fox evening shows which are opinion shows. They are not new shows.
              Unlike every other major media, Fox has not had to fire, demote, or cause to resign, individuals who have falsely reported the news. That gives them a substantial leg up in credibility in anybody’s book if they’re paying any serious attention.


              • @Wally Moran
                “Fox has not had to fire, demote, or cause to resign, individuals who have falsely reported the news.
                That gives them a substantial leg up in credibility in anybody’s book”

                In order for that to be a reasonable assumption, you would have to demonstrate that all the networks adhere to the same standards and rules.
                If several have higher standards and are strict about enforcement, they would be rated lower by your standards that one that had lower standards and lax enforcement.


                • it is not an assumption, it is a fact. MSNBC, CNN, New York Times and the Washington Post are just four of the left of center MSM that have had to deal with firing, demotions, or forced resignations of journalists and editors because of fake news. Each of them has issued retractions of what we’re considered at the time to be major stories. In the case of the New York Times front page Russian article of February 14, 2017 (the one they risibly got a major award for), no less than former FBI director Comey indicated that it was almost entirely wrong. And yet, it was that article in which the entire Russian collusion narrative has been built.

                  Now then, give me one single comparable individual or circumstance at Fox News. And note please, I am talking news, not the opinion talking heads.


  12. Isn’t that cute? Someone has spoofed my name so that they can leave remarks pretending they’re me. If I were actually making an apology however, I would not of use the word ‘libtard’, since doing so makes the whole apology hypocritical.
    Poor little butt hurt snowflake.


  13. I’m surprised that no-one commented on:
    -Don’t start your crap here. This is not your page, and you need to show some respect to others.
    -Don’t start your crap here. This is not your page, and you need to show some respect to others.
    considering, this is not his page, and he needs to show some respect to others. Maybe stop telling other people what they should publish, and respect their right to free speech, perhaps.


    • The person making those remarks is now being investigated by the local police in her town for harassment over her behavior. This is not the first time I’ve had problems with her.


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